Keeper of the Peaceful Winter
The Keeper of the Peaceful Winter is the son of Böor and a human female.
Although some suspect, the keeper's true form—like his true name—is
unknown, the keeper appears a long-bearded older human. His bright blue
eyes and grey tinged skin are the only subtle hint of his godly origins.
The Keeper of the Peaceful Winter is a master of cold magic and guardian
of the Northern Realm. He has stopped the races of the north from
warring amongst themselves for many generations and sits poised to do so
for many more.

Agvald is a name known to all dwarves of Yerengal. Coming from meager
upbringings, Agvald left his home of the Northern Realm at a young age
to seek fame and fortune in foreign lands.
He returned in his middle ages with riches, skill and many tales of his
heroic exploits afar. Framed by envious members of the dwarven counsel,
the hero was stripped of his wealth and banished from the Northern Realm
for the remaining years of his life. It is said Agvald roams the lands
plotting his return to the Northern Realm and revenge against those who
wronged him.

Bjalla Adelis
Bjalla Adelis is a feldegug spellweaver. She is a member of one of the
four feldegug tribes who left the far north. At the onset of puberty,
Bjalla was cast out to live among the outsiders of Yerengal.
Where others expected failure, Bjalla survived and survived well. Taking
in with various people she met in her travels she absorbed knowledge
like a sponge, developing unique skills and magical talents. In recent
years her discovery and possession of the Third Eye—a legendary gemstone
with fabled magical powers—has garnished Bjalla a bit of notoriety
across the land.